In view of the fast changing trend in the global economic activities of our numerous clients, we have put in place a stand – by machinery at ensuring that our clients’ debtors reduce their indebtedness to the bearest minimum and or eliminated completely.

We have dedicated associates that ensure effective follow up of all our client’s debtors. Our style of debt recovery includes gathering all useful information about the financial viability and assets of our client’s debtors and effective monitoring system. We do this within the confines of the Nigerian Laws and without any exposure whatsoever to our clients.

From the initial stage, we assess the capacity/capability of these debtors and adopt the best, cost effective and prompt strategy in the recovery of the debts. Whilst we carry out our activities in this regard, we ensure that our clients are adequately and promptly briefed about every step taken through our on line reporting system.

Where we have a huge debt profile to recover, we usually divide the areas of operations of the debtors into zones with associates monitoring and overseeing the affairs of debtors in each zone for effectual results.

Where it becomes extremely necessary, we enlist the support of the Law Enforcement Agents in the quick recovery of these
debts. However, in some other extreme cases, litigation may be the last resort.

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